This is contrary to previous research that used discrete points on the lifting curve to analyze sex-based differences, but agrees with more recent research using more complex analysis techniques. Repeated-measures ANOVA with a mixed design revealed no significant effect of sex for any of the PCs. Thirty-two PCs were retained from the five joints and three axes in accordance with the 90% trace criterion. Principal component analysis (PCA) and single component reconstruction were applied to assess differences in lifting technique across the entire waveforms. Joint angles were calculated using a three-dimensional Euler rotation sequence. Joint kinematic data for the ankle, knee, hip, and lumbar and thoracic spine were collected using a two-camera Optotrak motion capture system. Participants completed freestyle, symmetric lifts of a box with handles from the floor to a table positioned at 50% of their height for five trials under three load conditions (10%, 20%, and 30% of their individual maximum isometric back strength).

Eleven male and 14 female participants (n = 25) with no previous history of low back disorder participated in the study. The objective of the present study was to determine if there is a sex-based difference in lifting technique across increasing-load conditions. X Force Keygen Autocad 2016 64 Bit Free 15 UPDATED